Financial Planning
Our planning process organizes your financial affairs and gives you the knowledge and guidance to make educated financial choices. It’s custom-tailored to your long-term goals and values.
How have markets delivered wealth to long-term investors? Nobel-prize-winning academics offer us insights on that, which we apply to our clients’ portfolios – allocating and rebalancing them accordingly.
The transition to retirement can be challenging. We will advise you on the most sensible and tax-efficient ways to maximize your retirement income.
Why We Choose To Be A Dimensional Funds Advisor
The idea behind DFA is to create portfolios less vulnerable to steep declines. The result is a family of potential portfolios that allows the investor the highest possible return at any level of risk. Trying to time the market is rarely successful; “buy and hold” offers far better opportunities.
DFA funds improve your investment results – simple and smart.
We eliminate manager risk, and the human emotional need to think they can “beat the market.” We also eliminate the cost associated with their compensation. This means less risk and significantly lower costs for you.
Simple Diversification
We expand the number of asset classes in your portfolio to further reduce risk. our basic portfolios employ a four-step process to maximize your earnings potential.
We go a step beyond market cap-based indexes by taking advantage of the higher returns associated with small cap and value priced equities – a smarter approach.
Smart Allocation
Our approach lets us determine the highest return for the least amount of risk in any asset class.
Invest In Your Strategy
Strategy 1:
This strategy implements a blend between our globally diversified SmartAscent strategy and our ControlledAscent alternative asset allocation.
Strategy 2:
A low-cost, globally diversified strategic asset allocation that utilizes academic research to structure portfolios along the dimensions of expected returns.

Find the Portfolio That’s Right for You
Learning your Risk Capacity is the first step to maximizing your expected returns for the risks you take. Answer just a few basic questions and you will learn which portfolio captures the right mix of stocks and bonds that is best suited to you so you can effectively row your money.
Our Investment Process
We manage market risk for high-net-worth individuals by implementing strategic asset allocation models and techniques. The asset allocation is responsible for more than 90% of variations in portfolio performance. Our process is geared around selecting the appropriate strategy and providing you with peace of mind. Our investment process includes a four-step approach.
Step 1.
Introductory Conversation
We listen to understand your current investment portfolio, financial objectives, time horizons and risk tolerance, as well as, any other unique circumstances.
Step 2.
Initial Meeting
We will recommend an appropriate strategy to match your objectives. Each of our asset allocation models is established using different weightings of equity, fixed income and alternative investments to adjust the overall level of risk.
Step 3.
Goals and Objectives
We will prepare and submit the paperwork necessary to open an account, and will monitor the transfer of all existing assets. For custodial services we work with Charles Schwab & Co, Inc. It is important to note that Denali does not maintain custody of securities or funds with the exception of its ability to withdraw Advisory Fees from a clients account.
Step 4.
We regularly review the individual assets within each portfolio for the client and provide performance reports to ensure your financial objectives are being met. To avoid short term capital gains we typically only perform one rebalance per year.
If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.
– Andrew Carnegie