Denali Wealth Management, Inc. (“DWM”) is an investment adviser registered with the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). It is also notice-filed in various states. The firm provides counseling and financial planning, asset management and investment counseling services to its clients. DWM became registered as an investment adviser with the SEC in March 2010 and is owned by Carl A. Valimont. DWM does not engage in any other business, or control any other firm.

The information provided on this website is not intended to constitute individual investment advice. Depending on your specific investment objectives and financial position, investments discussed or recommended on this website may or may not be suitable for your particular financial situation. It is up to you to weigh any decision carefully. You should contact an investment professional before deciding to buy, sell, hold or otherwise consider a particular security based on the content of this website.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. Income from investments may fluctuate and the price or value of any investment identified directly or indirectly on this website may fall or rise against your interests and the interests of other investors.

No investment firm, including Denali Wealth Management, can guarantee gains or that loss will not occur from the strategies applied to manage portfolios. However, we are committed to minimizing downside risk by applying strategies that we believe will minimize that risk through diversification of investments determined to be consistent with each client’s investment objective.

Opinions, where and when expressed, are subject to change without notice. Information on this website has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy, completeness and interpretation are not guaranteed and have not been independently verified.

Content on this website may become outdated and we are not obligated to update any information or opinions contained on this website.

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